Thursday 9 August 2012

Regridding tool progress

Discussion with Ralf Quast, Stuart MacCallum and me on status of regridding tool, since Stu has applications requiring its use as soon as possible.

Ralf explain the use case currently implemented, which doesn't quite match. It seems worthwhile for Stuart to shuffle priorities and use the tool in intermediate stages of development that will be still fit for his immediate purposes and available in the next few weeks.

The conclusions were:

1. Ralf will advise Stu tomorrow (Fri 10 Aug) on what route for advancing the tool he plans to follow (whether further develop current code or switch to extension of new Beam rebinning module).
2. Assuming choice to base it on the beam module, we agreed a useful order for development would be:
(i) get it working for ARC input data using currently available aggregation -- and let Stu know so he can play with it
(ii) implement CCI method for averaging (using OSTIA climatology as reference) -- and send to Stu so he can use this seriously
(iii) implement the CCI method for uncertainty propagation -- this requires us to finalise the method and LUTs etc, and we need to have a telecom including Nick Rayner soon to do that
(iv) (if possible) allow an option for an alternative to the OSTIA climatology -- again, let Stu know, and he can then use the ARC-based climatology when required
3. Stu will send Ralf some ARC data files as examples
4. Stu will review the tool specs and may also comment on the approaches when the further discussions come
5. Output of regridded time series as CF-compliant NetCDF is fine, it doesn't have to be in full SST CCI L3 format as outputs from this tool are not CCI products
6. Confirm it does need to cope with input L2P for use on AVHRR GAC