Wednesday 17 November 2010

Met Office Telecon 5

Me, Nick Rayner, Simon Good by skype
17 Nov 2010

NR has received feedback from ESA (Craig Donlon) on the User Requirements Document. Several helpful changes to the URD have been requested, and will be addressed by the end of November, at which point it will be approved and published on the website.

The next stage is to use the URD to inform the Product Specification Document. We reviewed the WP description, discussed this, and there are essentially two classes of approach. 1. Define some objective criteria to apply to the URD data to create specifications. 2. Work from the PSD implicit in ESA's SoW and our proposal, and look for discrepancies with what users have asked for. NR and SG propose to do both approaches and see how the outcomes compare, which I think is an excellent approach. In both cases, the results then have to be appraised for technical feasibility (can specified products be created in principle?) and resource feasibility (can we do it within the plan for the SST CCI).

SG aims to draft the PSD for team review by the end of November, for a telecon discussion early in December. Interactive discussions will be solicited from users, planned for early January. Issue A will be submitted to ESA at end of January.

CD has sought advice on climate user requirements prior to attending a GCOS session in January. We agreed the CCI approach to this would be structured as follows: 1. NR and SG will complete (and expand if necessary) the template for requirements circulated by ESA as a basis for summarising our advice, by 3 December, and pass to me for review and agreement. 2. I will add any commentary appropriate from Science Leader's perspective in my submission to CD.

Plans for the January and July project meetings were discussed.

DONM Fri 10 Dec 10.00

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